The Challenge
The five-year drought made water conservation a priority; however, climate change and extreme weather patterns meant that water conservation needed to become a daily habit. The City of Sacramento Department of Utilities (Sac DOU) needed to motivate residents and businesses to further cut back on their already reduced water use during the ongoing drought and to embrace new ways of reducing water use. The end goal is to make water savings a permanent and sustainable way of life with efficient irrigation and water-wise landscape transformation as the primary campaign focuses.

Our SAGE Approach
Sagent first approached the campaign with message and creative testing research to identify the most effective communication tactic to reach the target audiences. The research shows a drastic lack of awareness on the amount of total household water usage to maintain a lawn and landscape.
Sagent then responded with an award-winning, integrated campaign to educate and motivate residents and businesses about their actual water usage and ways to save, along with call-to-action to participate in rebate programs and water-wise resources.

The Results
- Surpassed the City’s use goal of less than 223 gallons of water per capita day (GPCD) by 2020. As of 2019, the city reported an all-time low of 152 GPCD.
- Won multiple national EPA WaterSense Awards and multiple Wyland Foundation Mayor’s Challenge Awards.
- The Water Conservation website had 141,420 sessions, 120,099 unique users and 80,452 new users. During this time, 20,732 users visited the Residential Rebates page.
- The Sac DOU Facebook page had a total reach of 166,520 and 68,046 engagements (likes, shares and comments). Facebook following increased by 15% from 5,346 to 6,157.
- Delivered 35.1 million impressions and 83% in added media value.